Annual Membership Meeting & New Board Installation
Thursday, October 15, 2015
6 PM - 8 PM
2015-16 Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Board Of Directors nominees biographical information will appear on this page
Board Of Directors nominees biographical information will appear on this page
Board Nominations & Elections Committee
Loraine Segovia-Paz (Board Chair)
Mario Ramos (Vice-Chair)
Shawnta Lang-Idoko
Luis Parodi
Paul Van Cotthem
Legal Counsel:
Elliott Ozment
(615) 216-5737
[email protected]
Loraine Segovia-Paz (Board Chair)
Mario Ramos (Vice-Chair)
Shawnta Lang-Idoko
Luis Parodi
Paul Van Cotthem
Legal Counsel:
Elliott Ozment
(615) 216-5737
[email protected]
Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
2015 Annual Membership Meeting and Board Nominations/Elections
2015 Annual Membership Meeting and Board Nominations/Elections
Dear NAHCC Member,
Nominations to the Board of Directors of the Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce are now open. Deadline to submit is September 10 at noon. The final slate will be announced by our Nominations & Elections Committee during our Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-Off event at Belmont University on Tuesday September 15, 2015. Following the e-vote by NAHCC members, elections results will be announced during our Annual Membership Meeting and Hispanic Heritage Month Business & Community Awards Gala Thursday October 15th, 2015 at Waller. Deadline to submit your vote is Wednesday, September 30 @noon.
Our Nominations & Elections committee is receiving nominations in preparation for our Annual Membership Meeting and Board Elections. Your input and participation is needed to complete the process.
Please take a moment to review the information below:
NAHCC Board Nominations & Elections
Per our bylaws, the nominating process is as follows:
The Nominating Comittee will choose a slate of candidates and present the slate to the Board of Directors. The Board will then ratify the slate for presentation to general membership.
Nominees (a) must be a dues paying member in good standing. Members elected to the Board of Directors serve a term of two years. (b) Consideration shall be given to nominating members of the organization who have performed outstanding committee service.
SECTION 2. REPRESENTATION: Members of the Board of Directors shall not be elected as representatives of business groups or classes. The Board Nomination Committee shall exercise reasonable care as far as it may be practical in securing the representation of varying business interests as nominees for the Board of Directors, in order that it may be truly representative of the Hispanic industrial, commercial and professional life of the community. Consideration shall be given to nominating members of the organization who have performed outstanding committee service.
SECTION 3. SUBSEQUENT BALLOTS: The Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee, to include the Chairman and 4 of its members who shall prepare a slate of at least 8 nominees for presentation at future general annual meetings, or for mail ballots, at which time elections are to be held. Nominees for three places on the Board of Directors may be invited from the general membership present at a meeting for the purpose of electing Directors.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Board of Directors to prepare the slate of nominees for directors, arranged in alphabetical order according to their surnames. Ballots shall include a brief description of each candidate's business and other information that the nominating committee considers relevant.
At subsequent general elections, those at a general meeting who are nominated for election shall state their willingness to serve as directors if elected, along with a brief description to their business.
Upon receipt of this notice, members wishing to recommend a NAHCC members for consideration by the Nominations & Elections Comittee, may submit their suggestions via email: [email protected]
NAHCC member suggestions should be submitted as soon as possible to allow adequate time for consideration. All suggested nominees will be considered, but suggesting someone to the Nominating Committee does not guarantee that their name will be placed before the general membership for election to the Board.
The NAHCC Nominations and Elections committee will e-mail a ballot with the slate of nominees to the general membership no later than September 15th, 2015, and those elected by the membership will be presented at the NAHCC Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 15th, 2015
Location confirmation, parking information and other details regarding our Annual Membership Meeting will be announced in a future notice.
SECTION 1. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: The meetings of the organization shall be held in such time and place as determined by the Board of Directors. Not less than seven days' written notice shall be given for the annual membership meeting, but other membership meetings authorized by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee may be called upon three day's written notice.
We encourage you to recommend others to join our organization. In order to assist you, we find appropriate to include the following information regarding membership as it appears in our bylaws.
SECTION 1. ELEGIBILITY: Any reputable person, firm, corporation, partnership, estate, business or association interested in subscribing to the objectives and purposes of this organization, shall be eligible to apply for membership. Each applicant shall sign an application thereof, endorsed by at least one member in good standing, which shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval or disapproval.
Information about on-line renewal, membership levels and application forms can be found at: JOIN THE NAHCC
We look forward to your participation. Thank you for your continuous support.
On behalf of the
Nominations & Elections Committee
Yuri Cunza
President & CEO
Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
*This notice follows guidelines set forth in Section I of Article XIII of Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce bylaws (shown above) to give proper notice to members.
Nominations to the Board of Directors of the Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce are now open. Deadline to submit is September 10 at noon. The final slate will be announced by our Nominations & Elections Committee during our Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-Off event at Belmont University on Tuesday September 15, 2015. Following the e-vote by NAHCC members, elections results will be announced during our Annual Membership Meeting and Hispanic Heritage Month Business & Community Awards Gala Thursday October 15th, 2015 at Waller. Deadline to submit your vote is Wednesday, September 30 @noon.
Our Nominations & Elections committee is receiving nominations in preparation for our Annual Membership Meeting and Board Elections. Your input and participation is needed to complete the process.
Please take a moment to review the information below:
NAHCC Board Nominations & Elections
Per our bylaws, the nominating process is as follows:
The Nominating Comittee will choose a slate of candidates and present the slate to the Board of Directors. The Board will then ratify the slate for presentation to general membership.
Nominees (a) must be a dues paying member in good standing. Members elected to the Board of Directors serve a term of two years. (b) Consideration shall be given to nominating members of the organization who have performed outstanding committee service.
SECTION 2. REPRESENTATION: Members of the Board of Directors shall not be elected as representatives of business groups or classes. The Board Nomination Committee shall exercise reasonable care as far as it may be practical in securing the representation of varying business interests as nominees for the Board of Directors, in order that it may be truly representative of the Hispanic industrial, commercial and professional life of the community. Consideration shall be given to nominating members of the organization who have performed outstanding committee service.
SECTION 3. SUBSEQUENT BALLOTS: The Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee, to include the Chairman and 4 of its members who shall prepare a slate of at least 8 nominees for presentation at future general annual meetings, or for mail ballots, at which time elections are to be held. Nominees for three places on the Board of Directors may be invited from the general membership present at a meeting for the purpose of electing Directors.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Board of Directors to prepare the slate of nominees for directors, arranged in alphabetical order according to their surnames. Ballots shall include a brief description of each candidate's business and other information that the nominating committee considers relevant.
At subsequent general elections, those at a general meeting who are nominated for election shall state their willingness to serve as directors if elected, along with a brief description to their business.
Upon receipt of this notice, members wishing to recommend a NAHCC members for consideration by the Nominations & Elections Comittee, may submit their suggestions via email: [email protected]
NAHCC member suggestions should be submitted as soon as possible to allow adequate time for consideration. All suggested nominees will be considered, but suggesting someone to the Nominating Committee does not guarantee that their name will be placed before the general membership for election to the Board.
The NAHCC Nominations and Elections committee will e-mail a ballot with the slate of nominees to the general membership no later than September 15th, 2015, and those elected by the membership will be presented at the NAHCC Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 15th, 2015
Location confirmation, parking information and other details regarding our Annual Membership Meeting will be announced in a future notice.
SECTION 1. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: The meetings of the organization shall be held in such time and place as determined by the Board of Directors. Not less than seven days' written notice shall be given for the annual membership meeting, but other membership meetings authorized by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee may be called upon three day's written notice.
We encourage you to recommend others to join our organization. In order to assist you, we find appropriate to include the following information regarding membership as it appears in our bylaws.
SECTION 1. ELEGIBILITY: Any reputable person, firm, corporation, partnership, estate, business or association interested in subscribing to the objectives and purposes of this organization, shall be eligible to apply for membership. Each applicant shall sign an application thereof, endorsed by at least one member in good standing, which shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval or disapproval.
Information about on-line renewal, membership levels and application forms can be found at: JOIN THE NAHCC
We look forward to your participation. Thank you for your continuous support.
On behalf of the
Nominations & Elections Committee
Yuri Cunza
President & CEO
Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
*This notice follows guidelines set forth in Section I of Article XIII of Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce bylaws (shown above) to give proper notice to members.