NAHCC Board Meeting in 2019
"The Board of Directors shall meet at least monthly at such time and place as the Board of Directors shall prescribe."
1st Thursday of each month (with exception for BOD strategic planning retreat) from noon to 1:30 pm or as indicated below:
- Saturday, January 12 (BOD retreat)
- Thursday, February 7
- Thursday, March 7
- Thursday, April 4
- Thursday, May 2
- Thursday, June 6
- Thursday, July 4 (Holiday) optional July 11
- Thursday, August 1
- Thursday, September 5
- Thursday, October 3
- Thursday, November 7
- Thursday, December 5
*Board member participation is necessary to conduct the business of the organization. Attendance to all board meetings is required.
More than three (3) absences will result, at the discretion of the BOD, in termination and subsequent replacement.
2019 U.S Holidays :
Other important dates to note:
- New Year’s Day: Monday, January 1
- Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.: Monday, January 21
- Birthday of George Washington (President’s Day): Monday, February 18
- Memorial Day: Monday, May 27
- Independence Day: Thursday, July 4
- Labor Day: Monday, September 2
- Columbus Day: Monday, October 14
- Veterans Day: Monday, November 11
- Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, November 28
- Christmas Day: Wednesday, December 25
Other important dates to note:
- Groundhog Day: Saturday, February 2
- Valentine’s Day: Thursday, February 14
- Saint Patrick’s Day: Sunday, March 17
- Tax Day: Monday, April 15
- Good Friday: Friday, April 19
- Easter: Sunday, April 21
- Cinco de Mayo: Sunday, May 5
- Mother’s Day: Sunday, May 12
- Father’s Day: Sunday, June 16
- Halloween: Thursday, October 31
- Black Friday: Friday, November 29